Monday, December 3, 2007

more update

Some of the feedback on my poster was helpful. It is helping me to direct my research. I am going to look for more articles on the pro-outsourcing side to help balance it. Some people suggested to take a side, but I don't know if I will do that. I just want to take it as it is. I am also going to look more into insource outsourcing, regarding people from out of the country coming into the country which also displaces Americans out of the job.

So far my research is leading me to believe that the proportion of jobs leaving the country outweighs the amount of jobs being created. Also the jobs being created are not necessarily even the same caliber as those that have left. It seems that there are some people benefit, but it is not my target group.

It was also suggested that I narrow it to a specific job. I might do that, but I will have to do more research before I make that decision final. Also a lot of questions were brought up about the effects on the economy outsourcing has, but I am not interested in researching that part.

I also received some examples that I am going to look into further, such as tech phone support and IBM.

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